Virtual 01/02 Numbers

A Virtual Number, also known as a local presence number, is an inbound number with a local call prefix such as 0161 for Manchester or 01273 for Brighton & charged at a local or national rate. Used by businesses who wish to promote a local presence in any UK town or city.

Other services available with our 03 numbers include, divert on busy/no answer, route to landline or mobile, routing by time of day and day of week, voicemail to email, call recording, call queuing, interactive voice response, call centre applications & PCI-DSS agents assisted payments plus many other features.

The cost to call Virtual Numbers are all charged at local-rate. Calls to these numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an normal 01 or 02 number and must count towards any inclusive minutes on your landline or mobile phone contract. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile, BT, other fixed line or payphone.

Benefits of Virtual Numbers:

  • Cheap setup & monthly cost.
  • Market your company to other areas of the UK
  • No expensive hardware or software infrastructure
  • A bespoke solution, configured to your individual requirements
  • Promote a professional image of your company
  • Increased productivity and profitability
  • No restricted business hours – lines are open 24/7
  • PCI-DSS Agent Assisted Calls
  • Web Based Call Management

Call us today on 0330 333 8444 for help or advice or complete our online request form.

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